A downloadable zine

Welcome to in*die zine, a new tabletop roleplaying zine of high-quality indie content! This issue features nine incredible and innovative games, four instructive and provocative articles, four useless and system-agnostic supplements, and six moves inspired by hit musicals!

All proceeds go directly to the creators of this zine, and your support is a vote in support of the indie TTRPG scene!

Here's what you can find in this issue:

  • The In*die Network - A manifesto on in*die zine’s mission  (Author: Zoe)

  • Exodus - A game for 3-5 players about standing together when it all falls apart (AuthorAndrew Grondin)

  • The Lonely Giant - A solo journaling game about the last giant living in the lands of humankind (AuthorNick Wedig)

  • HyperHalfling's Loot Tables - System-agnostic tables of unique and special treasures (AuthorThe Hyper Halfling)

  • The Last Rebel - A GM-less, card-based RPG where you play as the galaxy’s last hope (AuthorW.H. Arthur)

  • Première Partie - A collection of characters from *Les Miserables* as a single tabletop move (AuthorLogan)

  • A Wood Heart - Trees have no tongues; but they speak to the heart (AuthorJames Chip)

  • Rolling in the Aisles - General advice for running comedic RPG adventures  (AuthorDave Joria)

  • Loot it or Lose it - Special items you might find left behind in any capitalist/consumer hellscape (Author: Sam Gundaker)

  • Two // One - A lyric game about posing and taking selfies as a thirty ton mecha (AuthorVivian J)

  • The Maven Guide - Drop-in locations for your RPG, written in a restaurant review format (Author: Alda)

  • Artefact Affinity - GM-less worldbuilding that uses a tarot deck to inspire scenes from an artifact’s history (Author: Nathan Blades)

  • Die20! - Why dice are cancelled forever (Author: Julian K)

  • Gifts of Gods - A one-page RPG about mythology and dying gods (Author: Steve Dee)

  • Songs and Poems for Yon Adventures - For the bard in you (Author: Sen.H.H.S)

  • The Summoning - A solo game about a familiar answering a call (Author: Nynphaiel)

  • Red Box Dawn : The Ballad of Bargle - A retrospective piece on the trauma inflicted on a generation by the Red Box (Author: Andi Lennon)

  • Subject 3 Prone - A lyric game inspired by the short film This House Has People In It (Author: Georgie Bats)

Credits: The indie Network is written by Zoe with art by NynphaielExodus is written by Andrew Grondin with art by NynphaielThe Lonely Giant is written by Nick Wedig with art by NynphaielHyperHalfling's Loot Tables is written by The Hyper HalflingThe Last Rebel is written by W.H. Arthur with art by Jane Hermiston#SixMoves Les Miserables Edition is written by LoganA Wood Heart is written by James Chip with art by Georgie BatsRolling in the Aisle is written by Dave JoriaLoot It or Lose It! is written and illustrated by Sam Gundakertwo // one is written by Vivian JThe Maven Guide is written by AldaArtefact Affinity is written by Nathan Blades with art by NynphaielDie20! is written and illustrated by Julian KGifts of Gods is written by Steve DeePoems and Songs for Yon Adventures is written, composed and performed by Sen.H.H.SThe Summoning Part 1: The Familiar is written and illustrated by NynphaielRed Box Dawn: The Ballad of Bargle is written by Andi LennonSubject 3 Prone is written by Georgie Bats. Layout by Jane Hermiston. Editing by Marx Shepherd. Cover art by Jane Hermiston. This project was organised by Marx Shepherd.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
Authorsin*die zine, Volvodja Press
GenreRole Playing


INDIE_September2020.pdf 11 MB
Sen-HHS - Feywild Lullaby.mp3 5.8 MB
Sen-HHS - Songs of Broken Hearts.mp3 8.3 MB
Print instructions.pdf 62 kB

Install instructions

in*die zine print instructions

Whilst future issues of in*die zine will have a print edition, this edition will not (for now). Instead, you can seize the punk aesthetic and Do It Yourself, in your own home (or at your workplace, which let’s face it, is much more punk).

There are three ways to achieve the desired effect, all of which require 13 pages of A4 or Letter-sized paper, depending on the settings of your printer. It can be Booklet, Automatic Double-Sided or Manual Double-Sided. This final option is explained, but the detail is very printer dependent, so your experience may vary.

Booklet Format

Most modern printers and PDF readers will have a print option for “booklet”. If so, it’s very easy. You’ll just need to make sure that you’re capturing all pages, both sides and that you’re binding on the left. If your office has a really snazzy printer it might even staple it for you. Otherwise, just print and staple the left edge and leave in your local library.

Automatic Double-Sided

If your printer has automatic double-sided printing, this option is fairly straightforward. Your PDF reader or printer software will usually let you do multiple pages per side, so make sure the right paper size is selected, and then choose the Multiple option. You’ll want 2 pages per sheet. Paper should be in landscape mode, with pages in portrait (check the preview to make sure this is right).

You’ll also need to make sure that you print on both sides, and flip on the short edge, not the long edge.

The order of pages is important, so wherever there’s a “page range” button, put this in. Usually, this is comma-separated, so you’ll need this order:


(This is taken from boooks.org page order calculator.)

Print this, fold each sheet down the middle, put them all together and staple the left edge. Remember to give a copy to your best friend at a protest.

Manual Double-Sided

This is more difficult to do as it depends on the way your printer feeds paper. Usually most printers will come with a guide to show you how to do this if you select the double-sided option in the printer dialogue. You’ll need to do 2 pages per sheet, which is usually a PDF viewer print option.

You’ll need the same page order as for automatic double-sided printing. Follow the instructions carefully as per your printer. Again, you’ll need to flip on the short edge to make sure you get the pages portrait on the sheets.

This is tricky to achieve but punk as hell, and very satisfying if you get it right. You can make it even more punk by hole-punching the left edge and tying it together with a shoelace. Remember to casually leave it at a con table the next time you’re in a game convention.

90s Zine Method

You can, of course, print out all the pages, glue them back-to-back and photocopy them at your local newsagents. If you do this, you are embracing the spirit of punk, and I have no further instructions for you

Development log


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So great to see this in print! =D

Did you print it?! Can you share a picture?!


wohaho ! that's so cool ! we need more RPG zine like this one. Congrats


Thank you! It’s so nice to receive feedback like this.